Film, Arts & Entertainment


Posts Tagged ‘featured’

Maxi Priest

In honor of Black Music Month, Quiet on the Set Magazine Celebrates the longevity of artists in the music industry. QOTS recently had the honor of attending “Maxi Priests Presents” courtesy of XM radio. Maxi Priest, or as O...

“A Soulfully Nerdy Experience” By Nicole Isaac

There is only one word that can describe what happened when I witnessed Kenny Wesley performing and it is “Dynamic”. I can honestly say by definition he is that word. With a larger than life personality and an even larger t...

A Film Maker on the Move: “Nestor Hernandez: The Black Pearl of Photographers” by Sandy Waters

For years Sandy Waters of  Waters Reflextions film poured all of her energies into working and looking at over 25 hours of video footage to compile her latest documentary film: Black Pearl of Photographers”. I am a graduate ...

“HOLLYWOOD REVISITED” The Business of Re-makes by Darryl Rembert, Co-Editor

Ok, we all know that the business of making movies is just that,a business. There’s an old saying in showbiz: “There’s the show, then there’s the business.” Movie companies not only make films for ...