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Posted September 11, 2015 by qotsm in Health & Fitness

Are your clothes a little snug after a weekend of barbeques and cocktail sipping?  Don’t lose hope—one weekend of partying and binge-eating isn’t going to completely derail your progress if you’re looking to shed pounds after the summer.

The key is to start a healthy diet as soon as possible—and work a bit harder in the gym, to make up for those extra calories consumed over the past, “party season”.

An easy way to get back on track is to try a three-day carb-deplete diet.  For 3 days, eat 3 meals a day consisting of proteins and green vegetables.  After the third day, start incorporating healthy carbs (whole wheat pastas, sweet potatoes, and brown rice) back into your diet.

As for your training, try an extra 20 minutes of cardio exercise to rid your body of the excess calories consumed over the summer. With proper nutrition and an increase of cardio, you’ll be back on track in no time.

Here are some exercises to help get that body back in tip top shape:


Jiggly arms, no more!  If you are uncomfortable wearing sleeveless shirts, Synergy has a solution. Here are 4 exercises you can do to rid yourself of the dreaded arm jiggle. There are 2 main causes of flabby arms: age and body fat. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and becomes saggy, and without proper diet and exercise, we gain body fat, including arm fat.  Many of these exercises can be done at home or at the gym and require little or no weight.

Tricep Dips:  On a stable platform, place your hands shoulder-width apart on the platform slightly behind you. With your bottom is in front of your hands, bend your arms at the elbow and then straighten, in an up and down motion.  If you are performing this correctly, you will feel the tension in the triceps (back of arms).  Repeat 2-3 sets, 10-15 repetitions each.

Tricep Push-ups:  Because the arm jiggle is usually your triceps jiggling, we’ll use tricep push-ups.  On the floor, keep your hands under your shoulders and elbows close to your side.  Lower your body, then raise up.  If the push-up is too challenging, simply drop to your knees, but keep the same arm/hand position.  Repeat 2-3 sets, 10-15 repetitions.

Tricep Kickbacks:  You will need 5-8 pound weights (you can use heavier weights, but be sure to maintain proper form).  Stand in a squat position, bending at the hips. Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle.  Extend both arms backwards while your palms are facing each other.  You should feel the burn in your triceps.  Repeat 2-3 sets, 8-10 repetitions.

Tricep Extensions:  You will need the same weights you used for tricep kickbacks.  Stand on the floor with soft knees (not locked), raise your arms over your head (elbows should be on either side of your head), bend your arms at a 90 degree angle (weight will be behind your head), and lift back to starting position.  Repeat 2-3 sets, 15 repetitions.


How many of us put exercise on the back burner because there’s just not enough time in the day? Well, no more excuses! Sure, our days are long with work and family, but we must make time to care for ourselves.  Integrating exercise into your work day is actually pretty simple and seamless. Try these:

1)  Commit to taking the stairs instead of the elevator. How many times have you found yourself out of breath after climbing several floors? Increase your heart and lung strength and skip the elevator. If you commit to using the stairs for every meeting, you’ll be on your way to burning a lot more calories throughout the day. Just don’t forget to take the stairs on the way down, as well as the way up.

2)  Sit on a stability ball instead of a chair. Want a way to increase your core strength? Get yourself a stability ball and use it as your desk chair as much as possible throughout the day.

3)  Do some tricep dips on the edge of your desk (be sure it’s strong enough) or a stable platform.  It’s also a great way to get rid of those “chicken wing” arms I discussed previously, “WAVE GOODBYE TO JIGGLY ARMS!”

4) Strengthen your chest and back by doing some wall push-ups. Integrate a set of these before each meeting, or each time you return from the restroom. You’ll be amazed how quickly results show!

5)  Enjoy the great fall weather and take a long walk during your lunch or break. If your job is sedentary, you will greatly benefit by adding some sustained movement or activity to your daily routine.

These are all simple ways to get more exercise throughout your day. Why not start right now?


What’s not to love about yoga?  It’s an amazing physical challenge while also incorporating the mind-body connection.  And what’s not to love about High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?  Well, maybe the post workout stretch when the lactic acid builds and the soreness sets in.  Here’s where yoga can support HIIT by helping you alleviate soreness and lengthen those tight muscles. Here are my favorite yoga poses and stretches, for heavy HITT-ers. Try them after your next workout!

Yoga Poses

  • Mountain Pose
  • Triangle Pose
  • Tree Pose
  • Mudra Pose
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Child’s Pose

Post-HIIT Stretches

Knees to chest:  Lie on your back, bring both knees into your chest and hold for 30-60.  Repeat 3 times.

Hamstring:  While lying on your back, keep one leg completely on the floor, raise the other leg, grab around mid-calf (or place a towel around ankle) and gently pull extended leg towards your head.  Do not stretch to the point of discomfort. Hold for 30-60 seconds, for 3 sets.  Then repeat with the other leg.

Tricep: Raise both arms over your head.  Bend one arm at the elbow towards the center of your back.  With the other hand, gently pull on the opposing elbow.  Hold for 30-60 seconds.

Hip Flexor:  Get into a lunge position.  Extend the back leg so that it is straight.  Gently lean forward until you feel the hip flexor of the extended leg begin to stretch.  Hold 30-60 seconds, for 3 sets.

Foam Roller

Use a foam roller to work on trigger points and help flush lactic acid out of the muscles. Any combination of quadriceps, IT-bands, lats, and thoracic spine stretches will be very beneficial to your post HIIT workout.

John A. Morris
THE Premier Pageant Fitness Specialist!


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